3295 Cobb International Boulevard , Kennesaw, GA 30152 888-650-6923

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Pressure and Temperature Gauge Failure Analysis Service

With 30+ years of experience in the design of pressure and temperature gauges, ESP’s engineers can help customers identify the root cause of product or process failures. Working together with our customers’ engineers, ESP can help develop value-added solutions.

When you experience issues involved with pressure and temperature instruments (gauges, thermometers, flower meters, and transmitters…etc.), please call ESP.

Engineering competence for process instruments

ESP Engineering has more than 30 years of experience in the design and manufacturing of pressure gauges and thermometers. ESP’s engineers have extensive field experience in a variety of markets including Oil & Gas, Subsea, Hydraulics, HVAC, Compressed gas storage & transportation, Sanitary, Medical, and OEMs.

On and off-site services

Prompt on-site visits to collect product failure and application information and to provide sound engineering solutions to avoid or minimize downtime. Taking a team approach with our customers to develop value-added custom solutions is key to ESP’s engineering success.On-site customer visits to collect product failure and application information

  • Provide technical reports including root cause analysis and best practice recommendations
  • Assistance on implementing best practices (correct product, order & delivery information…etc.)
  • On-site instrument review program. ESP will audit an entire operation site, observing the functionality and safety of all pressure and temperature instrumentation. ESP will then provide an audit report including all findings, best practice recommendations, and the latest technologies.